Why the West Fears Islam
by Robert Edwards (published in ESA No 57, Summer/Autumn 2015)
( The role of money lenders
in history was once aptly termed by many acute observers as the "Hidden Hand." It is the power to create, lend and
accumulate interest on "credit," and then re-lend that interest for further interest, in perpetuity, that creates
pervasive, worldwide debt, from the individual, to the family, to the entire state.
The ability to operate a fraudulent credit and loan system has long been known
and through all the slickness of a snake-oil salesman, the money-lenders - the same types Jesus whipped from the Temple -
have persuaded governments that banking is best left to private interests. Many wars, revolutions, depressions, recessions,
and other social upheavals, have been directly related to the determination of these money lenders to retain and extend their
power and profits"
any state, individual or idea has threatened their scam they have often responded with wars and revolutions. The cultural
and material progress of a civilisation will often relate to the degree by which it is free from the influence of debt and
the degradation that results when the money-lenders are permitted to regain power.
Hence, Goodson shows that both World Wars, the Napoleonic wars, the American
Revolution, the rise and fall of Julius Caesar, the overthrow of Qathafi in Libya and the revolution against Tsar Nicholas,
among much else relate to this "Hidden Hand" in history. This is the key to understanding the past, present and
review of ‘A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind’
by Stephen Mitford Goodson (2014)
Right wing nationalist groups in Britain and
throughout most of Europe have an anti-Islam agenda as their key issue. Very few understand Islam but seem content with contemporary
distortions and downright lies.
Michael Woodbridge of the London Forum tells me it is an “alien religion” and not
suitable for white Europeans or ‘Nordics’ as he calls them. Mr Woodbridge does not believe in God and is a biological
materialist who thinks “all is race”, a well-worn paraphrase from a novel by one of Britain’s former Tory
prime ministers, Benjamin Disraeli. It is taken out of context, of course. You wonder why an atheist would be so concerned
but it is atheists who are at the forefront of the anti-Muslim movement in many countries in ‘The West’.
Then, Paul Golding of Britain
First pretends to be a Christian and carries large white crosses on demonstrations. His foul mouth and threatening behaviour
is far from being Christian and he can not speak on behalf of Christians in Britain for he is a fake Christian. Britain First’s
deputy leader shouts that Allah means the Devil. In fact, Allah means God in Arabic. Ignorance is not always bliss.
This misrepresentation continues
unabated as these right wing nationalist groups becoming more hysterical and irrational. The main theory is that we are to
become the victims of ‘Islamification’, a conspiracy theory not entirely unrelated to the trusty old International
Jewish Conspiracy now condemned by the very same right wing nationalists. For example, the octogenarian John Bean formerly
of several right wing groups dating back to the 1950s, insists that anti-Semites must be removed from nationalist groups because
they are just not patriotic enough. He would like details of his past conveniently erased, especially statements in his old
journal Combat in which he published references to Jews as “maggots in the body politic”. The hypocrisy
of the man leaves one speechless. The ‘new patriotism’ now hates Islam, in place of Jews, and wants Muslims expelled
and mosques pulled down. They may not express such sentiments in their propaganda literature but new laws criminalising incitement
to religious hatred have merely tempered expression of their true thoughts. This stupid campaign against Islam, Muslims and
mosques serves only to divert our eyes from something truly evil. It is an evil that dominates a large part of the world and
has enslaved us all to an international power that controls our lives completely, in every way. This is not theory but hard
however, do believe in a system which is opposed to the system in what is called “The West”. By opposing that
system, Muslims offer a way out of the debt slavery culture we all seem to accept as the norm. Right wing nationalists say
Islam is a threat to our way of life, a threat to British values and so on. David Cameron described ‘British values’
in terms of liberal ideas, democracy and freedom. Those who understand the true nature of the forces that control us know
this is completely meaningless. We have neither democracy nor freedom, in any true sense. It is all illusionary.
There are no such things as
British values and our way of life has been sliding in a downward spiral of materialism, profanity, immorality and general
degeneracy. You can not tell me this ‘way of life’ is worth defending. It is not but, rather, worthy of opposing
and defeating.
true nature of existence is understood by Muslims but not by non-believers. So the system prevailing in ‘The West’
is known as the kafir system. In this centralised kafir system, we are controlled by police states, surveillance
everywhere with large corporations imposing a commercial ethic that becomes institutionalised, standardised and regulated.
At the centre of it all is an obsession with money, the circulation and supply of which is in the exclusive control of private
banking. Usury, once condemned by Christian churches, is imposed upon any country that agrees to a loan. Upon accepting this,
countries are in debt for perpetuity. It is perpetual enslavement, in fact.
Islam stands opposed to the entire kafir system. At the centre
of the Islamic system is the fact that Muslim economics is not based on the creation of debt. This is the original opposition
to usury that the Christian churches dropped in their compromise with secular liberalism.
No, Muslim economics is the direct opposite
of the system under which we languish in ‘The West’ because its central theme is one of giving and not debt creation
... it is the voluntary sharing of wealth by the rich with the poor. It was practiced in Libya under Colonel Gaddafi where
newly-weds were given a house in which to live. No mortgages and no borrowing from private banks. Before he was toppled and
murdered, the Central Bank of Libya was independent of the Rothschild model of global banking.
In a kafir state people are coerced
into paying huge taxes with severe penalties for failing to do so. In a Muslim community, voluntary sharing resolves all of
these matters in place of heavy taxation.
The kafir makes money from nothing by charging interest, a sin in Islam, but when
interest rates become too high the paper and plastic currency can become worthless and it is seen to be what it really is,
numbers stored on a computer and completely worthless.
A Muslim community does not rely on the accumulation of capital or heavy taxation
because it believes in minimal taxation alongside voluntary giving ... and without any accumulation of capital. Gold and silver
which is real money, rather than paper and plastic, are kept circulating and moving around.
An injunction in the Holy Qur’an states
that it is the duty of a Muslim to help anyone in genuine need whatever his religion. It is taken seriously by every Muslim.
When a Muslim helps another human being there is no debt incurred. There is no payment required. He will say it is the will
of Allah.
‘The West’ we have organisations set up to relieve the poor and needy. Some are charitable while others are connected
to the state. Why should there be the poor and needy in the first place is the question that should occur before all others.
It is a sad indictment of the kafir system that allows this to happen and we should question it.
In the Muslim community, there
is a system already in place since the founding of Islam that calls for all to help each other and to give voluntarily whenever
there is genuine need. This is the real answer to poverty.
The integrationists want to do away with this because it is ‘alien’
to the kufir system. David Cameron insists on this because he wants all to adopt British values, values that do not
really exist but are mere fantasies.
When it comes down to it, it would appear that Islam is the better system. It is better because it is based on religious
beliefs that say Allah is the real reward in this life. Allah is just another word for God and what is religiosity but the
human feeling there is something greater than all of us.
This voluntary giving in place of debt is one of the greatest achievements of the
Islamic faith and one that offers an alternative to the present system in ‘The West’. If every man and woman practiced
this then we would be on the way to creating more stable societies. Of this, I am sure.
Recently, a young relative asked me for a small
loan. I replied I can not do that because you would be in debt to me. I told him I would give him the money. It’s that
Edwards 2015