
Hitler’s deputy, Rudolf
Hess, risked his life and reputation in flying alone from his native Germany on a mission of peace. He crashed in Scotland,
was taken prisoner and refused any consideration as a peace envoy. Churchill did not want to negotiate with Hitler’s
Germany and so the tragedy of the Second World War continued with enormous casualties on all sides. At the Nuremberg War Crimes
Tribunal, Hess was found guilty of “conspiracy to wage war” ... the ultimate irony in the judgement of the victors
over the vanquished. He spent the rest of his life in Spandau prison. Today, with peace processes flying around like
confetti in the wind, America and its puppets in Westminster openly plot to bomb more countries that were never a threat to
the West. Bush and Blair, unlike Rudolf Hess, continue to conspire to wage war. The “war against terrorism”
is fast becoming a cliché many are beginning to feel has lost much of its original meaning and intent. History sometimes
repeats itself, as parallels spring to mind. Britain declared war on Germany in 1939 in anticipation of the issue of Danzig
flaring up as a consequence of Polish intransigence. Danzig (now Gdansk in Poland) is historically a German city and rightfully
belonged to the Third Reich. Its “free city” status and the Polish Corridor were obstacles to access to East Prussia
... a doom-laden consequence of the Versailles Treaty. The “war against fascism” was decided long before
1939 and talk of removing uncooperative statesmen has its parallels today with countries like Iraq, Syria and Iran. First,
the moral rationale – then followed by the frame-up. The bombs and guns come later. The situation in the Middle
East has long been critical and events are moving so fast that it is difficult to predict the outcome. The entire world looks
on as Israel commits atrocity after atrocity in a campaign of planned genocide not seen since the massacres of Kosovo and
Rwanda. The Palestinians have suffered too long for the misbegotten criminal state founded on an ancient prophecy and an eternal
wrong. That criminal state is Israel and no Arab or other Muslim, anywhere in the world, will accept its right to exist ...
EVER! It is for this reason that America embarked on its “war against terrorism”, unfolding into the wider
scenario of a war against the enemies of Israel and those nations opposed to the existence of the Zionist state. A leaked
Pentagon report reveals that Washington had plans to attack seven countries, including Iraq, Iran, Libya and Syria ... with
nuclear weapons, if necessary. Entitled “Nuclear Posture Review”, the report regarded Russia and China as possible
future targets, along with North Korea, in the eventuality of an incursion into South Korea. Who said the Cold War is over? The senior defence consultant who leaked the document, William Arkin, described it as “chilling glimpse into the world
of nuclear-war planners”. This can only be interpreted as a conspiracy to wage war and it is no wonder that America
was one of only a few countries, including Israel, refusing to ratify the Rome statute setting up the International Criminal
Court. The fear is that opponents of America (and Israel) could use the court for “politically-motivated” trials
of American servicemen. Never mind the servicemen ... it is the political leaders plotting and issuing the orders that should
be arraigned before this tribunal. Former German justice minister, Herta Daeubler-Gmelin, insisted that the court, to
be based in The Hague, would secure full global approval, with or without American support. In the meantime, the framing
of Iraq was the priority of Washington’s War Party, after Colin Powell treaded eggshells over Israel’s violations
in the Palestinian territories. The internal affairs of every nation on earth are now scrutinised by Washington and its puppet
states to the point that leaders of these nations can only exist on the approval of an American president. Tony Blair
seems blind to the catastrophic consequences of his sucking up to America and Israel on the issue of over-throwing the legitimate
government of Iraq by illegal military means. If he does not take heed of the voices within his own parliamentary party then
he could have a very serious revolt on his hands if events take a very serious turn against the occupying powers. He seems
to have survived so far but things can easily go against him as his popularity wanes, as it seems to be going. But “Global”
Tony seems more interested in the wishes of that other government across the Atlantic. The vice-president, Dick Cheney, had
visited Downing Street with the express purpose of putting pressure on Blair to tow the War Party line in Washington and,
no doubt, the Zionist lobbies on both sides of the Atlantic were unified in bringing their opinions to bear on Bush’s
best ally ... or should we say, “partner in crime”? Blair had repeatedly told the Commons that Saddam Hussein
had acquired weapons of mass destruction and, being “politically unpredictable”, is capable of doing bad things
with them. To a fair-minded person, that would be a more fitting description of Ariel Sharon but then Saddam Hussein did not
have that influence over the Western media enjoyed by Sharon’s co-religionists ... nor, indeed, the political clout
and influence of Blair’s Middle East envoy, wealthy Labour Party fund-raiser, Lord Levy. Blair insisted there was
evidence of the Iraqi leader’s evil intent in the form of an intelligence dossier commissioned by Downing Street. This
was to be part of the stitch-up to give Blair the alibi for committing British forces to an American-led military assault
upon Iraq, thereby eliminating a threat to Israel and “avenging the victims of September 11th”. All the resources
of MI5, MI6 and GCHQ were acquired, sucked dry of every detail of intelligence and filtered into the Joint Intelligence Committee
headed by former MI6 officer, John Scarlett, with some conclusions that did not quite fit into Blair’s scheme of things. The JIC report dismissed categorically the belief that Saddam Hussein in any way supported or assisted in the attack upon
the World Trade Centre and refuted the idea that he financed al-Qa’eda operatives. The Foreign Office was forced
to admit “there is no evidence connecting Saddam Hussein to international terrorism”. As for Iraq acquiring weapons
of mass destruction is concerned, the JIC could offer no real evidence there either. It has been emphasised that the
big oil companies continue to play a significant role in the Middle East and Central Asia conflicts, using dubious military
intervention. In Palestine we do not forget that racial and historical memories of ancient elemental forces are in play
and prevent any form of co-existence in any way resembling peace. It is not only the “stink of oil” that motivates
Zionist malevolence and aggression. It is not just an elementary matter of a conflict between Diaspora Jew and indigenous
Arab, as some Jews sympathise with the Palestinians ... perhaps for genuine altruistic reasons or because they are realistic
enough to recognise that Israel has a bigger fight on its hands than the Zionist hawks imagined. Nevertheless, the struggle
for national freedom is far wider and more pervading than what appear to be isolated events in one particular part of the
world. The Palestinian Catastrophe is the concern of all who value true national freedom. If the Palestinians lose everything
then it is because the rest of the world stood by and did nothing. The very fact that young boys armed only with stones against
American-built Israeli tanks are willing to risk their lives for their homeland should be an inspiration to us all. The courageous
Farish Oudeh was killed after 21 days throwing stones at Israeli tanks. An iconic photo of him graces many posters protesting
the Zionist oppression. It was the same in East Berlin in 1953 and later in Hungary in 1956. Then it was the Red Army
and now it is the Israeli “Defence” Force in Palestine. The world did nothing in 1956 and Hungary had to
wait nearly forty years for the Soviet tyranny to collapse internally. The new tyranny is an alliance of America, Britain
and Israel that together conspire to wage war on countries that do not pose a threat to the West. Saddam Hussein did not nor
ever would have possessed weaponry that could penetrate to the heart of Europe ... and he never suggested he wished to do
so. The sole nuclear power in that region is Israel, a rogue state established on the basis of that most spurious of
claims – that of a pseudo-religious prophesy of ancestral return. Most Ashkenazi Jews are descended from the Khazars
of Central Asia with no racial connection to Old Testament tribes. That is the first big lie exposed! The second lie
is that Israel seeks an accord with the Palestinians. Ever since Israel’s first Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion, stated
that, “The Israeli Empire will extend from the Nile to the Euphrates”, Zionists have used this alleged threat
to their security as an excuse for expansionism. The conspiracy to wage war on some countries in that region is an integral
part of Zionist expansionism. War crimes have already been committed in the Palestinian territories, ever since a time
before 1948, with further war crimes on the agendas of Washington and Whitehall. Will these criminals ever be brought to justice?
“Conspiracy to wage war” was established as an international
crime at Nuremberg in 1946. Yes, then it was the “justice” of the conqueror but now it must be the justice of
the world.