A Europe of the nations remains an ideal that I believe
will be adopted by a youth disillusioned with the style of contemporary politics in stagnation. The question is who is promoting
this worthy cause? The answer is very clear – no one! It is for this reason that I agreed to contribute to a new ACTION
paper, renamed EUROPEAN SOCIALIST ACTION, to embrace the European ideal in word and in spirit. For me, it is a great patriotic idea that transcends the narrower nationalism,
a petit-nationalism causing so much friction between people sharing the same cultural traditions and a common history of great
achievements. It is not a surrender of national sovereignty but more of a binding of weakened sovereignties in order to create
an independence based on strength in unity ... the greater sovereignty of Europe. I have believed in the basics of the
political and economic unity of Europe all of my life since I joined the Mosley movement in my teens. Then, we formed bonds
with other groups and parties on the Continent, shared our ideas and forged lasting friendships at summer camps both here
and over there across the English Channel. Our patriotism was unquestioned as the Union flag remained a central focus
of our activities. Now, today, we have the Euro-sceptics, mainly the far-right break-away rump of the Tory Party, maintaining
that they alone embody patriotism in the form of xenophobic anti-Europeanism. What they do not tell you is that they really
embrace the global free market economy ... the very same system that controls and manipulates the economies of the entire
world, thus making a mockery of free government and free economies. To me, that is thoroughly unpatriotic. I want to
appeal to those who still believe that Britain can go it alone by considering the true consequences of this proposed British
autarky in the face of largely hostile world competition. I am no great fan of what goes by the abbreviation, the “EU”.
We have recently witnessed the capitulation to the forces of globalism in the person of Peter Mandelson, the EU Trade Commissioner.
This serial political reject had been championed by Tony Blair to be the globalists’ representative at the heart of
Europe in one of the key positions defining how world trade should affect our continent. Mosley always warned of the
threat of under-cutting from the East, the exploitation of cheap labour in order to keep costs down and profits high. But
it was always at the expense of our own workers and our own industries. Now, the traitor, Mandelson, opened the floodgates
to cheap imported Chinese goods into Europe, putting European firms out of business and throwing our workers on the dole. This is why we need a genuine European solidarity based on patriotism to replace this treacherous acquiescence with the
global free-for-all that elements controlling the European Union quite plainly feel is the way forward for all of us. We
wish to replace the circus in Brussels, not because Europe as an entity is bad for Britain ... but because OUR Europe, a Europe
of the Peoples, is the only true guarantee that the will of the people shall prevail. We propose that Europe must be
a very positive Europe of the nations insofar that every component retains its regional customs, traditions and peculiar ways
of life. What we do not want is a “melting pot”, that mish-mash of cultures that only destroys without creating
anything worthwhile in its place. Just look at America ... the worst example. We have seen the failure of multi-culturalism
in our own Britain, which is virtually enforced by a liberal/Left agenda within the government. It has failed because it was
not a natural and voluntary process ... as opposed to the centuries-old infusion of various European elements. An attempt
at a single, grey “multi-culturalism” within a broader European context would also fail ... because people remain
attached to their roots as an expression of their regional identity. “Britain First in Europe a Nation” was
the slogan on our Union Movement membership cards, the first being a declaration of our patriotism and the second being the
revolutionary call for solidarity with our fellow Europeans. There is nothing contradictory within this very clear aim because
we always felt that other patriots in Europe, as loyal to their countries as we were to ours, shared so much in common that
mutual collaboration was not only inevitable but also strongly desired. That is the basis of the need for a union of
the Europeans. We must surely have a strong democratic structure for this bonding of the peoples of the continent, without
which the bankers, the money-changers and the global racketeers take over. They have done it in the present set-up and they
have sold us out. Our Europe is not up for grabs, no more than it is merely a piece of real estate up for sale. For
that reason we must define our ideology in terms that are very clearly of the people and for the people. That means voting
on a regular basis, consulting the people on all issues and acting on the results of those consultations. A federal
system seems to be the only method for securing regional autonomy in relation to the rules and customs that are best suited
to those regions. Thus we secure and protect the character and traditions that have endured and developed over the centuries.
There will be no uniformity but rather an encouragement of the great diversity of Europe of north, south, east and west. The migration of labour will be free throughout the continent but this will be limited through necessity. That necessity
will be determined by the needs of each region rather than a free-for-all of labour simply converging where the pickings are
the richest. European government must rule throughout Europe, intervening where necessary, protecting the people from
injustice and securing help wherever it is needed. One thing it must not do and that is to ignore the wishes of the