How dare they talk of freedom of speech and expression

In the wake
of the Charlie Hebdo murders (most of them cartoonists) in September 1981, I was sentenced to 12 months in prison at Snaresbrook
Crown Court for drawing cartoons that "offended" the Board of Deputies of British Jews. I served just over nine
months of that sentence. I am the only cartoonist in English legal history to have been treated this way. Why? Because I offended
some Jews. On the other hand, it is alright to offend and insult Muslims. There you have the hypocrisy of Western governments
when handling the issue of who has freedom of expression and who does not. You can not criticise Israel nor lampoon the Jews
without the entire state coming down on you. Insult the prophet Mohammed and you are being "satirical", despite
the fact that it offends Muslims.
The Art of Controversy by Victor Navasky. Controversial cartoonists in history.
From a YouTube contributor
In essence, you're right,
but being a Frenchman let me tell you a little detail that you probably don't know. Charlie Hebdo (the new one, not the old
guard) was also part of the "leftist" ideology that brought the current situation. They both legitimized immigration
in the 1970s to bring salaries down and today denounce Muslims in france (who are the same people) for them not adhering to
their social libertarian ideology.
Additionally, they actively attacked and acted for the censorship for people they
didn't agree with, such as Dieudonné the humorist, directly causing an amateur revisionnist historian called Reynouard.
Check the guy called Philippe Val too. '68 generation you know, child loving etc. Lots of shady stuff..
So, playing the
"Islam is incompatible with our values!", "freedom of speech is a common value!" card is, in essence true
(or at least debatable), but it's also falling for their trap and completely missing the point...
I wouldn't hold it
on you though since you probably don't know French affairs as well as British ones..
This is completely separate from
the fact that them being killed is horrible though...