British Political Satire or "Nutters' Corner"
click on image below to enlarge
Treachery of the Worst Possible Kind

click on photo to enlarge
HMDT stands for the Holocaust
Memorial Day Trust, which is clearly a Zionist organisation. A letter originally posted to this
address was 'returned' to me because my contact address is the only address on the contents. It was posted to the HMDT by
Robert Best (pictured left) , the agent provocateur responsible for serial libel on Internet forums. Best informs on patriots and has been doing for a long time as an associate of serial Searchlight agent Keith Thompson. See the booklet, "The Enemy Within".
ask me why it was forwarded onto me but it was fortuitous, exposing Best once again for his under-handed skullduggery. The
HMDT would not be aware of the consequences of this reaction on their part, unwittingly feeding me with irrefutable evidence
that Best is a "wrong' un".
contents consist of a photocopy of a flyer inserted in the No 43 issue of European Socialist Action,
advertising a DVD on the persecution of historical revisionists. The other photocopied sheet contains the editorial details
of ESA, the subscription box, an EA sticker and the masthead design.The purpose of the exercise is obvious: to pass on information
to Zionists with the intention of causing some future harm to the editor. He has failed to do this.
Best often used our stickers as a kind of letterhead on his letters, completely unauthorised and aimed at embarrassing us.
Some of these letters have found their way back to us with the comment, "Who the hell is this nutter?"
How do we know it was Best who posted
the letter? We have an envelope, one of scores from Best, with his handwriting in the same exact upper case style. Note
the unusual stylised 'X'. Not only identical handwriting but the same Gatwick postmark.
Any self-styled "British patriot" who has dealings with Zionists,
involving informing on another, has sunk to the lowest depths. Robert Best has done this. No doubt his
"comrades" in the Friends of Oswald Mosley will have some excuse for this treachery.
What is more relevant and important concerns bringing Best's true nature to the attention of all he has had dealings with
... and this includes every group on the far right, from which he flits to and fro in his attempts to ingratiate himself.
All historical revisionists, all Holocaust "deniers" beware.
You could be next for the Best treatment ... involving leaks to Zionist organisations.

Compare the handwriting on the above envelope from Robert Best (posted in February
2009) above to the handwriting on the recent letter sent to the Zionists, with particular attention to the stylised
'X' and the use of apostrophes. Conclusive evidence?
The question we are
now left with concerns how Best acquired a copy of European Socialist Action No 43 when he is
not a subscriber to the hard copy and has not been for years since first being exposed as an agent provocateur.
Someone gave him a copy for the purpose in which he used it. One of his FOM cronies, perhaps? Passing on information regarding
anti-Zionists to the enemy may not be the solitary act it at first appears to be. We welcome further information in this regard. For further
information on Best go to the European Bookshop page and the booklet, Beware the Stranger
in our Midst.
E-mail from Robert Best sent to my ISP, October
15th 2012

Best obviously does not understand
nor appreciate the principle of freedom of speech and freedom of expression, protected under the United States Constitution.
Specifically the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights. My ISP is based in the United States. Cartoons are protected on the
principle of cartoonist's license.
If I had drawn the cartoon strips for The Stormer in the United States, I would
not have gone to prison, as opposed to the case in Britain.
The Accusation of Pornography and Other Canards

The e-mail (above) from Robert
Best followed his "letter of complaint" to my ISP. I had locked the cartoon page to give Best the impression
my ISP had acted on his nonsense.
His false sense of triumphalism was to be short-lived. After I unlocked it, Best
was to react in a totally irrational way, using the old homo smear that far right nutters are so fond of when losing the argument.
I have no such leanings. The claim that I was interviewed by the police over a notorious paedophile scandal is also part of
a complete tissue of lies, dreamt up by fetid minds without a shred of evidence. In an interview on Bill Baillie's Nation Revisited site, Best is desperate
to claim he is a family man with a wife. A few years ago, Best claimed the "wife" is Spanish. In the NR interview
she is from "northern Italy". More will be revealed. It is Best who has an obsession with homosexuality which some
regard as a classic case of projection. What kind of man offers £2,000 to another man to be his "leader"?
I accepted his cheque but he was to later demand the money be returned because I would not do what he requested of me.

Robert Best's cheque presented
to the editor in 2006.
important: click
on all images to enlarge them

The case for a relaunched
National Action Party by Robert Best, bedsit
weirdo and very strange johnnie-no-mates.

(above) A copy and paste
print-out of Best's article displayed on Eddy Morrison's blog Nationalist Sentinel. It first appeared on the extremist neo-nazi Stormfront forum
where "Walter Mitty" Robert Best bores everyone with lurid and unsubstantiated tales of homosexuality,
which some could so easily view as projection. If you are going
to accuse people of being queer then at least show some evidence. He posts as The Falcon.
Click to enlarge
to full size.
that then?
Jimmy Savile fixed it for Robert Best later in his dressing room

Martin Webster,
part-time legal adviser, was given the task of "filtering" the guest list of mourners at the funeral of printer
and publisher, Anthony Hancock. Tony's widow insisted that no "Nazis" should be included. Ironically, this does
include Martin "Why I am A Nazi" Webster, former member of Colin Jordan's National Socialist Movement. You've got
to laugh.

Article written by Martin
Webster, former NF National Activities Organiser, and published in Colin Jordan's NATIONAL SOCIALIST in 1962. Click on
image to enlarge and read.

A 'researcher' speaks
at a New Right meeting somewhere in England

Six of the Best from
Bishop Richard Williamson (formerly) of the Society of St Pius X

Who leaked private addresses
(in Fulham and Romford) to a well-known agent provocateur?

Beware: The Stranger in Our Midst
The Friends of Oswald Mosley devote their time to recovering old photos and literature
to feed the black hole of Sheffield University to which all the research on the anti-Mosley books of the past twenty years
have been directed. FOM is now led by a former civil servant at the Public Records Office.
(right) An ideologue speaks at a British
Freedom Party meeting
70 year old Martin Webster
addresses a New Right meeting in London on February 12th 2011 on the subject of Zionism. His 'best side' is of deep concern
to him. G.K. Chesterton, he said, suffered from a similar problem, with protruding obesity in all directions.

Several people missed the real point to this cartoon which was
to highlight the offer of £2,000 made to the editor of European Action if he would be 'the leader'. Robert
Best made this offer to Robert Edwards in 2006. Strange person, indeed. Other people featured are there to fill in the fictional
queue, the least likely to fulfil the role.

The British National Party in financial crisis. Jim Dowson eventually
did a runner.

Nick Griffin, BNP chairman, up against the Equalities Commision
and facing legal action for non-compliance, tries to get round the new ruling.

Did they die in vain? The illusion that is
Remembrance Day. A victory for whom? Certainly for America and Russia

The irrepressible Roger Clare, great white
hunter, mercenary, explorer and general all round action man.